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Could not pay with your CampusCard?

If you have landed on this page, you have probably had a problem paying with your CampusCard in a Mensa or cafeteria.

This can happen. We will work with you to find the cause and hopefully resolve the problem quickly.

Do you use Autolaod and has your account been blocked?

If there is not enough money in your account to reload your CampusCard with Autoload, your bank will inform us that the direct debit was not possible. As the account holder, you will also be informed by your bank.

As a precaution, we will then block your CampusCard for payments in the Mensas and cafeterias.

  • We will inform you about the block and the outstanding amount in the card portal. This amount is made up of the top-up amount and the chargeback fee.
  • As soon as you have transferred the outstanding amount to us, your CampusCard will be unblocked on the next working day.
  • Please use the following bank details
    IBAN DE89 5205 0353 0000 1252 15
  • Be sure to include your CampusCard number as the reason for payment. This number is located on the top left of the front of your CampusCard.

A block of your bank account can't be the reason or you don't use Autoload at all?

Please email us at campuscard((at))studierendenwerk.uni-kassel.de

We will then take care of the problem as soon as possible.


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