Support for students in demanding life situations
The Kassel Scholarship is offered by the Studierendenwerk Kassel and has been awarded since the winter semester of 2023/24 to students at the University of Kassel who are successfully completing their studies despite demanding life circumstances.
In the second funding year, 2024/25, the Kassel Scholarship will support 14 students with a migration or refugee background whose parents did not attend university in Germany.
The support will be both financial and idealistic. The aim is to support young people who, despite difficult circumstances, achieve outstanding results in their studies and demonstrate not only academic but also social skills.
In addition to a monthly support of 200 euros each, the scholarships also serve to bring the students into contact with the regional economy, to participate in events as part of a scholarship network, to offer them educational opportunities on topics relevant to them personally, and to provide them with networking opportunities.
In doing so, the Studierendenwerk Kassel is following the example of a very successful nationwide program: the "Hamburg Scholarship" of the Studierendenwerk Hamburg.
Applications for the 2025/2026 funding year will be accepted in the summer of 2025. We will provide all necessary information and application materials here in due time.
Your company would like to support the Kassel Stipendium scholarship program?
Please contact us via kassel-stipendium((at))
We are looking forward to your e-mail!

Scholarships 2024/2025
Scholarship award ceremony: Scholarship holders of the 2024/2025 class with Hakan Kilinç (back left) from Team Kassel Scholarship, Friederike Steensen (back, second from right) from the Wintershall Dea Stiftung für Demokratie und Vielfalt (Wintershall Dea Foundation for Democracy and Diversity), next to Julia Thonfeld and in front Petra Umbach, both from Team Kassel Scholarship.