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Whistleblower Protection

The Studierendenwerk Kassel is a value-oriented company. Quality, transparency and open communication are important to us. Violations of regulations or criminal acts are fundamentally opposed to this.
In accordance with the "Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz" ( = Whistleblower Protection Act) of May 31, 2023, the Studierendenwerk Kassel has set up an internal whistleblower office to report possible violations of laws and regulations. Your data and information will be kept strictly confidential. Reports can also be made anonymously.
According to the law, whistleblowers are natural persons who, in connection with their professional activities or in the run-up to a professional activity, have obtained information about violations and wish to report or disclose them.
You can reach the internal whistleblower office of the Studierendenwerk Kassel

  • by phone at Tel. 0561/804-2557 or -2782
  • in writing via the address
    Studierendenwerk  Kassel
     - vertraulich -
    zu Händen interne Hinweisgeberstelle
    Postfach 10 36 60
    34036 Kassel



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