We are here for you
Children enrich your life - even during your studies. A dense network of advice and contact points on campus is always at your side. We know your particular situation, answer your questions and help you to succeed in studying with a child.
Studierendenwerk Kassel
- Social Advisory Service for expectant parents and students with children on financial issues and on the organisation of everyday life, Mike Pillardy and Concetta Mugavero, phone ++49 561 804-2564, sozialberatung((at))studierendenwerk.uni-kassel.de
- Childcare Services, Björn Schanz, phnoe +49561 804-7210, b.schanz((at))studierendenwerk.uni-kassel.de
- Childcare in Kassel
- Childcare in Witzenhausen
- Psychological Advising
University of Kassel
- Family Welcome Service Questions about the organization of studies, in close cooperation with the General Student Counseling and the Specialist Academic Advisors: Phone +49561/804-2813, familywelcomeservice((at))uni-kassel.de
Student Committee (AStA)
- Parents Office phone ++49 561 804-3466, elternreferat((at))asta.uni-kassel.de
- BAföG and Social Councelling Telefon ++49 561 804-3514, beratung((at))asta.uni-kassel.de