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Flying Nannies

The University of Kassel offers students and employees childcare in parent-child rooms as well as arranging babysitters for flexible care. In this way, childcare can be guaranteed, for example, during conferences and continuing education courses. Please be sure to inquire in good time, as this is the only way to guarantee childcare.

Flying Nannies is primarily designed to step in during emergencies so that parents can still meet their university obligations when their usual care is unavailable. The offer complements the "regular" childcare. Student assistants with pedagogical training step in and flexibly care for children at the University of Kassel locations, including Witzenhausen.

Babysitterpool Parents can find babysitters here.  The university takes over the placement of the babysitter. Everything else has to be arranged directly between the babysitter and the parents. The care can take place in one of the parent-child rooms, but does not have to.

Family Welcome and Dual Career Service
University of Kassel

Phone ++49 561-804 2813
Email mitkind@uni-kassel.de

Bild:Logo Universität KasselBild:Logo Kassel