Statutory accident insurance
Since 1971, a statutory accident insurance has existed for students, which covers the period during and after university education and further education, and the students’ ways to and from the centres of education. In this way, students receive the same benefits as all other people who are covered by statutory accident insurance. These benefits are mainly: compensation for the costs of medical treatment, the entitlement to a pension, and also necessary rehabilitation aids in the case of long-term damage (on a limited scale), as long these are not covered by a health insurance company. Important: According to the latest dispensation of justice, statutory accident insurance, as a rule, does not offer coverage during exam periods! However, since summer semester 1996, Student Services has filled this gap with a clear improvement in private group accident insurance (see below).
Information and Reporting of accidents
Student Services Kassel - Social Service -
Christine Lengemann
Phone +49 561 804-2800
Adress Moritzstr. 18, Campus Center, Room 3307
Health Insurance
In order to matriculate at the University of Kassel, you need to provide proof of insurance. This proof is a form (Bescheinigung) you need to get from the insurance company where you are insured. As a rule, all matriculated students at public universities are required to be health insured.
You can only receive the student price until the end of your 14th semester or until you are 30 years old. There are, of course, exceptions to these limits and you are encouraged to ask your health insurer or the social adviser at Studierendenwerk about them.
The student price for insurance is approx. 77 Euro per month.
Students need no health insurance of their own when:
- they are covered under their parents’ or spouse’s health insurance
- they are married and their partner has health insurance
Family health insurance does not cover you once you are 25 years old and if your monthly income doesn't exceed a certain amount. If your studies were postponed due to military or civil service, your family health insurance policy can be extended. For married couples there is no maximum age. Students can choose their own insurance companies.
Privately insured students receive proof of insurance from their health insurance company. Those who sign a contract with a private health insurance company can cancel the contract within the first 3 months. The cancellation cannot be overturned while you are still a student.
For more information see
Haftpflichtversicherung für BPS
Die Berufspraktischen Studien sind von der Hochschule betreute Studienabschnitte. Die Kranken- und Unfallversicherung bleibt während dieser Zeit bestehen. In der Regel haftet das Land Hessen gegenüber den Ausbildungsstellen, die sich durch den Abschluss einer Rahmenvereinbarung mit der Universität Kassel zur Ausbildung von Studierenden in den Berufspraktischen Studien bereiterklärt haben, für Schäden, die der Ausbildungsstelle durch schuldhafte Handlungen oder Unterlassungen der Studierenden in Zusammenhang mit der Ausbildung zugefügt werden, soweit Ansprüche der Ausbildungsstelle gegenüber den Studierenden bestehen.
Bei grob fahrlässigem oder vorsätzlichem Verschulden der Studierenden behält sich das Land Hessen vor, diese in Regress zu nehmen. Über Einzelheiten sowie Sonderregelungen z. B. bei BPS im Ausland informieren die BPS-Referate.