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General Social Advising

  • provides information on university location, the university and its student services,
  • gives tips on advising possibilities and self-help groups, questions about finding,
  • advises on jobs, health insurance and all other types of insurance, studying,
  • helps additionally with children, existing financial problems, financing studies, student grant (BaföG) problems, scholarship wishes, changing faculties and/or universities, disorientation and personal crise,
  • is part of the network for students with handicap on campus


Debtor advice and guidance for students with serious money worries

The advisors assess your finances by looking at how much you owe, what you have and what you spend. They will then be able to tell you which debt solutions you would be eligible for to secure the fairest and most affordable outcome for you.

Studierendenwerk Kassel cooperates with Debtor Counselling at Diakonisches Werk Kassel. If needed, further advice is available there.


How to reach Team Social Advisory Services

Open Consultation Hours

Monday and Thursday, 10 am - 12 pm - please pull a ticket at the ticket printer.

Campus Center
Moritzstr. 18, 3rd floor, room 3342

E-mail  sozialberatung((at))studierendenwerk.uni-kassel.de

Phone +49 561 804-2564

You can arrange individual consultation appointments by phone.






Bild:Logo Universität KasselBild:Logo Kassel