More Day Cares
Besides the Daycares HoPla-Kinderhaus and studykidscare of the Studierendenwerk there are several more daycares in Kassel:
- Elterninitiative Nora e. V.
Nora-Platiel-Str. 3, T. 8 04-34 96
info@nora-kindergruppe.demonday - friday, 7.30-16.30 h
16 children (18 months - 6 years)
- Krabbelgruppe Kindernest
Moritzstr. 26, T. 8 70 24 03
monday - friday, 8.45-15.15 h
8 children (12 months - 3 years)
- Elterninitiative Kleine Strolche e. V.
Mönchebergstr. 19 A, T. 8 61 58 58
monday - friday, 7.30-16 h
18 children (2,5 - 6 years)
- Kinderladen Fontanestraße e. V.
Lönsstr. 7, T. 87 85 39
20 children (18 months - 6 years)
- Montessori Kinderhaus Wunderland
Mombachstr. 5, T. 8 90-70 23
monday - friday, 7.15-17 h
60 children (18 months - 6 years) in 3 groups