Studying costs money. Questions don't.
The advisors at Studierendenwerk can inform you on which student financing possibilities are available to you and what's worthwhile to know in this matter. More information is available in the bilingual brochure "Studienfinanzierung 2023/2024" (for download as pdf file) and for take away at Studierendenwerk.
Links to more information
Most of the following links lead to information in German:
- Wege ins Studium : A joint portal of the Federal Ministry of Education, the Federal Employment Agency, the Federal Parents' Council, the DSW and the DGB, among others, which summarizes comprehensive information on studying and financing studies.
- Deutsches Studierendenwerk (DSW) : A lot of basic information on student financing, compiled by the umbrella organization of all German Studierendenwerke.
- Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung : The Federal Ministry of Education and Research offers advice and up-to-date information on BAföG.
- Bundesverwaltungsamt / BAföG-Darlehen : Interesting facts about the repayment of the loan portion of the BAföG.
- Bundesverwaltungsamt / Bildungskredit : Questions about the education loan, application procedure and repayment modalities are answered here.
- Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau : Information on the KfW student loan
- BAföG-Infos : Practical information on BAföG, including the BAföG calculator.
- Studis Online : In addition to tips on financing your studies, you can find a lot of useful information for students here - from studying abroad to Mensa menus to apartment hunting, plus forums of all kinds.