Childcare in Kassel - Where you know your children lovingly cared for
Reliable child care facilities keep your mind free while your child discovers his or her own world near or even on campus.
There are different child care providers: public ones - like the Studierendenwerk with the HoPla-Kinderhaus and studykidscare - or private ones that offer suitable care.
Further Child Care Facilities
A list of child care facilities in Kassel and more information can be obtained from the central contact and advice centre:
DAKITS - organisation of independent day-care centres for children
Phone ++49 561 719378
Address Motzstr.4, 34117 Kassel, Germany
The specialist service "Child Day Care" of the City Youth Welfare Office Kassel places qualified childminders and fathers. Under certain conditions, the youth welfare office can also provide financial support for the care of a child in a day-care centre. The staff of the specialist service advise on organisational, legal and financial issues relating to child day care.
Monika Pfaff (Secretariat)
Phone ++49 561 787-5160
Office hours Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30-12.30 hrs
Address Rathaus (City Hall), Room K 234